Happy Anniversary to me!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Today is the one week anniversary of my name and life style change.  Mom says I have settled in really well and that I am a “perfect baby.”  BBB says I am his “sweet baby girl.”  And I like my new name, Bella Selena, and come right away whenever I am called.  That’s when I become, “Good Girl!”  Sometimes I am just “Belle.”  Occasionally they mess up and call me “Beau.”  I don’t pay any attention to that because I know they were talking to that old guy Beau a lot over those years — just like they talk to me.  I like it when they talk to me and I talk right back.  Mom says I am “very vocal.”  But I only bark when someone comes to the door — or when I hear a strange noise.

Yesterday, it was a beautiful day so Mom opened the front door and I sat in front of the screen and looked out at everything going on in my yard.  All of sudden a cat bigger than me walked right by my front porch.  I whimpered and ran back and forth because I wanted to go play with her, but no one would let me out.  I didn’t bark because I didn’t want to scare her off.  I thought she went around the house so I raced back and forth from one glass door to another to see if she was there.

But she wasn’t.

And I was sad.

For a little while.

Then BBB took me for a long walk.  First, I saw my favorite neighbors, Maria and Dom.  Maria really loves me.  She gets right down on the sidewalk with me and tells me what a pretty girl I am.  After a few minutes, I let Dom play with me, too.  Dom says I am a “lady’s dog.”

We were coming back toward Poinsettia when we ran into “Jim” and his two Shih Tzus — one of them is “Reggie.”  I don’t remember the other one’s name.  But we all liked each other a lot and played while Butch and Jim talked.  Then we came back home so Mom wouldn’t be lonely without me.  I came running in and told her all about my ‘ventures.

It is very windy this morning and I don’t like the wind.  It messes my hair all up.

And when I try to walk, it somehow gets to my back legs and pushes them sideways so I’m walking sideways up the walk.  Mom says we had storms and a lot of rain and BIG winds last night.  But I slept right through it all and didn’t even know what was going on.

Guess Mom won’t be going to Dog Lover’s to buy me a Thundershirt.

Of course not.

And today I get to have some Dogsters ice cream for pups to celebrate our one week anniversary!  It’s been an exciting and fun week full of new experiences and people and doggy friends.

And most everyone on the 1400-1500 block of Poinsettia Avenue has met me, Bella Selena Patterson, “sweet, perfect, BRAVE baby girl.”

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