My humans have the most awesome friends

Saturday, January 16

It has been a wonderful first five days in my new home.  I learned that I am only 3-1/2, got a microchip so I’ll never be permanently losted again, got to try a lot of new foods; and, best of all, got to meet sooo many new friends.

Visited with Dom and Maria today and they LOVE me.

Of course.

I’m Bella Selena Patterson and I am an awesome  3-1/2 year old “perfect baby.”

I was NOT a happy baby when my Mom left me this morning.  I wanted to go.  She told me I couldn’t because she was going to the library to work.

WHAT!  She was going to my new favorite place without me?

That was not a good thing.  I walked all around the house looking for her after she left even though I knew I had seen her get into the black car (which I have not tried out yet and that needs to be remedied) and drive off.  She tooted her horn and waved.  I wonder if she is part “bichon.”  I wanted to go.  I can see that Fridays are not going to be my favorite day.  Not. At.  All.

BBB (Big Buddy Butch aka Pop) sounds funny.  Mom says he has a bad cold.  What’s a “cold?” She FINALLY came home around 2pm and she picked me up and gave me cuddles and kisses and I forgave her.  And she told me that as soon as she got to the bookstore place and saw her friends they started teasing her about getting me.  She and BBB weren’t EVER getting another dog because losing that old guy Beau was too hard — and they wanted to travel.  They learned over the weeks since November 2nd that there were things more important to them than travel — and that as hard as it is to lose a pet, when you get another, there is another dimension added to your life.  So she got a laptop and pulled up my phenomenal pictures and showed them why I NEEDED to come into their lives.

And I overhead a conversation (I know, I know, I shouldn’t be eavesdropping) and they’re planning some trips later this year WITH ME and we’re going to have a blast!

My walk today was an adventure.  The wind made me look like I was walking sideways.  BBB said it looked like I was walking sideways up the street.  It was hard to walk into the wind.  When we turned, I felt like a kite….

I walked by Stella’s house and I heard her barking.  And you know what?  Stella, that little “bichon” was letting everyone know she wanted to come out and play with me.


She’s decided she likes me?

Maybe I have my own awesome friend?

Maybe she is just a bichon and not a “bichon?”

Have I told you lately I love my new life?

Need to go.  Someone’s in the kitchen!

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